Earlier this year I was honored to have the opportunity to speak to medical professionals at the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) during their annual Stroke Symposium to discuss the link between the oral cavity and stroke. The correlation between oral health and systemic (full body) health is an area of ongoing research, with new correlations being…
Clear Aligners Now Offered at AdVance Dental!
The past several years have brought several improvements to AdVance Dental, including 3D x-rays and 3D scanners. The 3D scanners are fancy cameras that stitch thousands of pictures of someone’s teeth together to create a digital copy of a patient’s mouth. Along with this technology, Dr. Vance has received training in clear aligner therapy. Clear…
Risk of Getting COVID at the Dentist Is Low
A new study out of Ohio State University suggests that the risk of getting COVID-19 at the dentist is very low. The researchers “analyzed the genetic makeup of organisms found in air samples during a range of dental procedures,” finding that “water solution from irrigation tools – not saliva – was the main source of any…
Gum disease could raise risk for severe COVID-19
A recent study suggests gum disease could raise your risk for severe COVID-19. Previous research showed that it’s blood vessels, not airways, that are affected initially in COVID lung disease. Now, new research finds that high concentrations of the SARS-CoV-2 virus in saliva and gum disease (periodontitis) are linked with an increased risk of death…
AdVance Dental’s Staff is 100% Vaccinated!
AdVance Dental‘s staff is now 100% vaccinated against COVID-19! We were all fortunate enough to receive the Moderna vaccine through our affiliation with St. Vincent’s Hospital. Some of us experienced very mild symptoms, for others the symptoms were more severe (read about the Moderna vaccine and possible side effects here). But we did it to…
It is safe to come back to the dentist!
If you’re wondering if it’s safe to come back to the dentist, the Board of Dental Examiners of Alabama has issued a statement saying that it is! Key points from the recent statement from the state’s dental board: The American Dental Association (ADA), the Board of Dental Examiners of Alabama (BDEAL), and the Alabama Dental…
Time To Use Your Insurance Benefits!
As 2020 comes to a close, it’s time to use your dental insurance benefits! Most dental insurances renew on January 1st of each year, and any insurance benefits that have not been used generally do not roll over to the next year (they are lost). So if you’ve been putting off going to the dentist…
Major Molar’s Dental Tips
Major Molar, who made a brief appearance in the Cavity Destroyer video, has some dental tips to share. Below is a Major Molar’s backstory: Maximilian Molar was the product of Dr. Vance’s experiment with a reverse shrink ray and stem cells, and became the first (and so far only) sentient tooth to attend West Point…
Paul Revere: Patriot, Silversmith, Dentist
Paul Revere: patriot, silversmith, dentist. Revere is best known as the galloping rider who rode through Boston late on the eve of April 18th, 1775, to warn John Hancock and Samuel Adams of the approaching British Army. The British were headed to the armory at Lexington with the intention of confiscating its store of ball…
The Loss of Eddie Van Halen
This week the world became a little quieter with the loss of innovative musician and inventor Eddie Van Halen (EVH). A seemingly larger than life “guitar god” has passed away due to metastatic throat cancer at age 65. EVH was a very private man about his health so hard facts about his illness are currently…
Smile enhanced with crowns and a bridge
Crowns aren’t just for kings! Below is an example of a smile we recently enhanced with a mixture of crowns and a bridge. Teeth are covered with enamel, which is the hardest natural substance in our bodies. Despite this, the mouth is a tough environment. Pressure, food/drink, and time combined can cause teeth to wear,…
AdVance Dental Reopening
See below for details regarding AdVance Dental’s reopening and COVID-19 precautions. We have been here for our patients throughout the pandemic for emergencies. We are now in the process of slowly reopening over the next few days. Using the published guidelines from the American Dental Association and the Board of Dental Examiners of Alabama, we…
AdVance Dental Coronavirus Update
AdVance Dental would like to update you about our operations and how it is being affected by the coronavirus. In keeping with guidelines issued at both the national and state levels, we are currently delaying all elective dental procedures until at least mid-April. However, we are open in a limited capacity to deal with dental…
Dr. Vance: Cavity Destroyer
Who is Dr. Vance: Cavity Destroyer? Video games have always been a great source of joy and stress relief for me. I grew up in the golden age of 8-bit Nintendo games (the 1980s). When I started my practice I had the idea to make a video tribute to the old-school video games we grew…
What’s the difference between a DMD and DDS degree?
What’s the difference between a DMD and DDS Degree? Other than the spelling… nothing! In the United States the Doctor of Dental Surgery and Doctor of Dental Medicine are both professional degrees which qualify a dentist for licensing. The DDS and DMD degrees are considered equivalent by the American Dental Association. [1] The DDS degree…
Doc Holliday: Gambler, Gunfighter… Dentist
John Henry “Doc” Holliday (August 14, 1851 – November 8, 1887) was an American gambler, gunfighter, and dentist. A close friend and associate of lawman Wyatt Earp, Holliday is best known for his role in the events leading up to and following the Gunfight at the O.K. Corral. He developed a reputation as having killed…